A Guide To Selecting The Perfect Wallpaper For Your Room

Wallpaper, Wallpaper Singapore

Choosing the wallpaper for your room is sometimes deemed to be unimportant compared to your choice of furnishings. Many may also not pay much attention and choose their wallpaper solely based on their likes alone.

However, if chosen correctly, the wallpaper might be the perfect accessory for the room, and you may not need wall embellishments like mirrors and shelves to spruce up your space.

Here are some tips you could use as you are shopping for your new wallpaper.

Make use of colours

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Colours are not just used to furnish the wallpaper itself but also to set the room’s mood. Choosing the right colour can make your room appear larger and ceilings higher. The colours of your choice should also match the colour of your windows, flooring and furniture.

Softer and cooler colours can give an air of tranquillity, while brighter, more intense colours add vibrance and make the room feel fresh. Warmer colours are also a more popular choice in colder climates as the room would feel more hospitable. Whereas a lighter coloured wallpaper can accent your furnishings that are of bolder colours.

So long as the colours of your wallpaper are appropriate based on the colour palette of your room, you would not need to worry about the cohesiveness of the room.

Explore patterns and textures

Choosing wallpapers with different patterns and textures could be risky. If you do not decide with caution, you may risk the room looking tacky and even mismatched. Instead of choosing the pattern that caught your eye in the store, go with the design you feel would best match the room.

Abstract patterns and textures can hide architectural imperfections in the wall due to construction. Brick wallpapers also provide some uniformity to the surface while giving a flat wall an added texture.

In addition, the patterns on the wallpaper should match up with the scale of the room. Select smaller designs for smaller spaces and more prominent, bolder prints to match larger rooms. If you are looking for a ‘dramatic’ effect, the large, bold print in a small room might work. It all boils down to what you envision your space to be like after the wallpaper is mounted.

Play with the space of the room

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Furthermore, you can also use wallpaper to make the rooms appear larger or smaller than they are. Using a large print with darker undertones create the illusion of a smaller room. Contrasting colours on the colour wheel may also make the walls seem closer than they are.

When we choose our striped pants, we tend to go for vertical stripes to make our legs appear longer. The same principle applies to wallpapers. When we use wider, horizontal lines, the wall might appear shorter than it is, making the ceilings feel closer to us. Vine and paisley patterned stripes may also work for this scenario.

Mix but match

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Going for a solid-coloured wallpaper might seem dull, especially when the room holds little furniture. Conversely, heavily patterned wallpapers that are common amongst kids wallpaper might make the room appear cluttered. What you should note would be to strike a balance. Even as you are matching the colours of the furnishings to the wall vice versa, make sure you also pay attention to how you are going to use the room.

When you are mixing patterns, for example, stripes and plaids, make sure to pick designs that accent the same colour. They do not need to be the same colour or shade as they are from the same colour palette. To help you make a choice, you could try to group the designs you have in mind by colour to give you a rough gauge and make coordinating much more manageable.

In addition, the wallpapers and furniture do not need to match strictly for the room to feel seamless – what you can do is find a wallpaper that fits the concept of the furniture. Suppose you intend to have a light brown tatami mat in the corner of the room near the window. The wallpaper you choose does not necessarily have to be light brown – instead, go with a Japanese wallpaper that suits the concept.


Choosing wallpaper is easier than it sounds, so long as your decision fits the room and what you might envision it to be. Using these tips above, we are sure you will find the ideal wallpaper for your space.

6 Key Home Improvement Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

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Be it a brand-new home or a rental apartment, having a house of your own is bound to draw out your inner handyman.

When this spirit arises, the desire to fix and improve every aspect of your home becomes overwhelming. In another sense, it could mean switching up your home’s appearance completely with breathtaking floral Korean wallpaper, or even buying brand new furniture, for instance.

Either way – it’s time to start refining your home’s appearance with the right procedures. Read on for some points to consider as you transform your house into a happier living space:

1. Save enough for the project

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Large projects are costly, but using this as an excuse to not limit your spending on each bill would only create bigger worries down the road.

To prevent this, figure out what you can afford to splurge on and what you should be more cautious with. A useful tip is to be more lenient with spending on complex projects that you cannot fix on your own, such as water heaters and electrical wiring. For more replaceable objects such as showers, light fittings, and drawers, opt for more affordable options.

Consider the usage and pleasure of each piece of furniture or appliance. For example, avid home cooks may find the oven of their fantasies more important than extravagant yet costly interiors.

2. Choose the right contractor 
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A trustworthy handyman or contractor is almost as critical as a skilled surgeon or doctor. To avoid similar experiences of getting duped by scheming builders or redesigning poorly completed projects by inept builders, be sure to read up and vet all companies you plan to work with.

Consult your friends, neighbours, and even repair shops for suggestions. Licensing and portfolio checks are important. Do examine the contractor’s insurance; this is an important move that you cannot miss!

Additionally, schedule an appointment with the consultant. Do obtain forecasts, and with the help of a graph or other databases, keep track of the quotation parameters. Inquire for sources and always follow up. By keeping your contractors accountable, you are preventing future issues that will cost more down the road.

3. Take advantage of DIY tutorials

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The Internet has never made it easier to do a few minor repairs. With many infographics and reference blogs, you can easily pinpoint the simpler issues with any appliance in your home. Some questions you may be considering include the following:

·       How do I deal with a faulty or congested septic tank?

·       Is it enough to rinse the filter in my washing machine?

·       What’s the best way to refinish a dining table?

Follow your favourite blogs and channels for updates on how to resolve such problems or tips on embarking on your next big project!

4. Prioritise the urgent projects

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You may want to do a complete overhaul at once, but some upgrades are more pressing or relevant than others. To avoid catastrophic losses, begin with the most important projects, so issues do not snowball.

This is especially true for basic repairs like sealing drafts and removing cleaners, which are more urgent than buying a new wardrobe to replace your feasible current one.

5. Maximise your home

Wallpaper, Wallpaper Singapore

House maintenance may seem intimidating. When you are unsure of where or how to begin, it is beneficial to prioritise tasks that would maximise the value of your home.

Consider bathroom and kitchen updates, and other additions that add usable space, such as completed attics and floors. Avoid wasting space and look for various organisational methods to make the most out of your home. For instance, you could opt for brick wallpaper for an industrial theme that makes your space look bigger.

6. Have the right tools

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Your bare hands are not enough to enhance your household; a multi-tool is the bare minimum! Ensure your toolbox has the basics for both small and large assignments. Simple drainage toolkits are useful in the event your plumber is unavailable.

More importantly, don’t overlook how your cellphone is the most useful weapon in your arsenal, for it grants access to the plethora of materials on the Internet. But if all fails, there’s always duct tape!


Dazzled by the endless prospects of home improvement, new homeowners often overlook the importance of cost and other important considerations. Keep in mind these six useful tips to stay on track, and you are all set to be the proud owner of a beautiful, cosy living space.