
The Beauty Of A Simple Scandinavian Home Interior Design

The Beauty Of A Simple Scandinavian Home Interior Design

Where elegance meets simplicity, and functionality meets aesthetics, Scandinavian design has captured the hearts of countless design enthusiasts worldwide. Dating back to the early 20th century, the Scandinavian design originated from the Nordic countries of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland. Its clean lines, harmonious colour palettes and deep reverence for nature relate to the Nordic culture of living a simple and progressive lifestyle.

Scandinavian design has several principles that define its distinctive aesthetics and philosophy. It embodies the idea that “less is more” and places emphasis on the principle of functionality that the object should not only be beautiful to look at but also highly usable. Throughout its history, the Scandinavian design has maintained its simplicity, functionality, and use of natural materials.

Here are some of the principles to keep in mind when you are designing your Scandinavian-inspired home.



Minimalism is the philosophy of focusing on the essential aspects of life and keeping it simple. It can be applied to anything from art to lifestyle. The clean and uncluttered look embraces the “less is more, ” focusing on simplicity and minimalism.

The traditional Scandinavian homes were often too small to fit many things. The Scandinavians adopted the minimalist lifestyle, relied on functionality and only kept the essentials to avoid cluttering in their homes. The cleanliness stems from the minimal lifestyle, allowing easier movement throughout the house and creating a sense of calmness.

For wallpapers, the principles of minimalism can be seamlessly integrated to enhance the overall aesthetic of a space. Minimalist wallpapers often feature simple and subtle designs, such as clean lines, geometric shapes, or monochromatic patterns. These wallpapers create a serene atmosphere by avoiding overwhelming and busy designs.

Neutral palette

Neutral palette

Embracing the clean and minimalistic design, having a neutral colour palette is a standard for Scandinavian design. For a pop of colour, unsaturated or contrasting colours are a popular choice to keep to the minimalistic theme. A lighter-coloured wallpaper can also help open up the space by giving the impression that the room is bigger than usual.

Natural light

Natural light

Using a neutral colour palette makes the room feel more open as the natural sunlight shines in. The sunlight shone in is reflected off the light-coloured walls and gives the room an airy feeling. The use of a neutral colour palette reduces the need for artificial lights and is more functional.

For wallpapers, choosing designs in soft, muted tones can complement the neutral colour palette of the room. Opt for subtle patterns or textures that add depth without overwhelming the space. Light-coloured wallpapers with delicate floral motifs or geometric patterns can enhance the room’s aesthetic appeal.

Natural materials

Natural materials

Influenced by the Scandinavians’ love for nature, incorporating natural materials such as wood, stone and leather into their homes is an element of the Scandinavian design. The natural materials bring warmth and add texture to the interiors. Wood is an essential in Scandinavian home designs. The clean lines from the wood and natural wood grains fulfil the Scandinavian’s principles of creating an uncluttered and timeless interior.


The Scandinavian interior design is a timeless and elegant blend of minimalistic, functional, and warm. The design goes beyond just the aesthetics and instead focuses on the practicality of the design.

Are you looking for minimalistic wallpaper for your home? Wallhub is Singapore’s leading wallpaper company, with over 10,000 designs for you to choose from. We also provide textured paint, vinyl flooring and carpet tile installation for your home. For further enquiries, contact us for more information or book a consultation with us today!


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