
3 Foolproof Ways For Keeping Clean & Long-lasting Wallpaper

Wallpapers are considered a long-term investment – just like sofas and beds, they are one of the things that is not regularly replaced. Therefore, it is essential to keep your wallpaper in optimal condition.

Besides, another reason why your wallpaper needs to look in good condition is because, it sets the tone of your home. For example, if you were to cover your living room with wallpaper, one of the first things that catches your guests’ attention will be the wallpaper itself. Hence, if your wallpaper looks worn out and not properly maintained, it gives off a negative first impression to your guests.

Moreover, since wallpapers are usually kept for long periods, it is completely normal for it to look dingier over time. This is due to the exposure to dust, sunlight and moisture over the years. However, a common mistake people make is not taking action to keep it clean after it starts getting discoloured.

So, if you are unsure of how you can maintain your wallpaper looking fresh and brand new over time, here’s a guide on cleaning it!

Remove dust on wallpaper

The first step when cleaning your wallpaper is to remove the dust that it has collected on the surface. This is crucial, especially if your house has open spaces where it can be more prone to dust. What you should do is to use a microfibre cloth, dampen it and wipe your wallpaper down.

Optimally, it would be best if you clean your wallpaper with a damp cloth once every month. Especially when you don’t clean it regularly, dust may start to accumulate, affecting its appearance and condition. As such, committing yourself to this cleaning method is ideal to maintaining your wallpaper; regardless of the wallpaper type you’ve bought from any wallpaper shops – be it vinyl or fibreglass.

Deep clean your wallpaper

Although cleaning your wallpaper regularly with a damp cloth is enough to keep it looking fresh, you can also deep clean it to extend its lifespan and keep it looking brand new longer. Particularly for vinyl or fibreglass, it is all the more important for you to go for deep cleaning to achieve the best results. However, just take note that not all wallpaper types can be deep cleaned!

To deep clean your wallpaper, all you need to do is mix a bucket of water with about one quarter of either dish soap or castile soap. Once it is well mixed, you can dip a sponge in, ring out the excess water and then wipe down your wallpaper. This cleaning technique can be used for your wallpaper in your living room and even in your kitchen since this mixture can break down grease stains easily.

Removing stains and smudge marks

Stains and smudge marks can be a hassle to remove. If it is removed with force, you can risk tearing your wallpaper and making your home look less appealing. However, fret not! Just like the deep cleaning method, if you used a water and vinegar solution, the stains and smudge marks would break down and dissolve.

However, before trying the vinegar solution, it is best if you contact your wallpaper supplier and get their advice first. After all, they are the experts who know the various ways to extend the lifespan of your wallpaper.


Keeping to this guide closely will guarantee that your wallpapers stay looking new and it will also save you from having to replace your wallpapers frequently. However, if you would like to switch up your home or room’s appearance – you could always consider viewing the different wallpaper prices for new designs.

At Wallhub, we have a myriad of unique wallpaper designs that are ready to spruce up your humble abode!


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